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Premium Carbon Fiber Grips


No well-dressed man would dream of taking his "Tuxedo" without his "Spatz"!

Introducing our new "Spatz" carbon fiber handgun grips. Guaranteed to be the height of fashion for your favorite firearm!

The grips pictured below have been designed for a Detonics compact frame 1911.

These beautiful grips are available for either a standard or compact frame 1911. On standard frame 1911s, the base of the grips will be finished to either a presentation or full cut (specify when ordering). On the compact frame, we can do an extended grip (as shown) or we can finish the bottom of the grip to match the mag well opening.

Price On Request.

Spatz Carbon Fiber Handgun Grips
Spatz Carbon Fiber Grips  Spatz Carbon Fiber Grips  Spatz Carbon Fiber Grips

Our Spatz grips feature our beautiful 3/8" plain weave carbon fiber fabric, offset with Synthetic Ivory.

Build Sheet and Order Form  Email Us!

Compact Frame 1911 Grips

OK, you Detonics fans, here is an answer to the age-old question: What do you do with your pinky finger when shooting a compact frame 45?

We have the answer!

The carbon fiber grips pictured below include our unique extended pinky finger wrap-around. This feature provides you with more control of your compact-frame handgun than you can possibly achieve with "stock" grips. They look awesome and man are they comfortable!

Compact frame 1911 handgun grips may be handcrafted (with or without our exclusive extended wrap-around) out of your choice of hardwoods or any combination of carbon fiber and hardwoods - price quote will be based on the materials selected and the complexity of the design.

Compact Frame 1911 Redline Carbon Fiber grips with wrap-around (as shown): $240.00.

Redline Carbon Fiber Handgun Grips
Redline Carbon Fiber Grips  Redline Carbon Fiber Grips  Redline Carbon Fiber Grips

Our Redline Carbon Fiber grips are handcrafted exclusively out of our beautiful 3/8" plain weave carbon fiber fabric.

Build Sheet and Order Form  Email Us!

About Our Gun Grips

Our grips are handcrafted from a single block of wood, ensuring that each pair will have a consistant grain, coloration, and figurative. Our "standard" handcrafted gun grips tend to be a little thicker (typically 30% thicker) (View Example) than the stock grips provided by most gun manufacturers.

In addition, each pair of X-Calibergrips handcrafted carbon
fiber grips is constructed from a solid block of 3/8" plain
weave carbon fiber fabric manufactured especially for

Unlike some other manufacturers of carbon fiber grips,
we NEVER use carbon fiber overlays bonded to inferior
fill materials. Bonded overlays are used to reduce the
time required to produce a pair of grips and minimize
manufacturing costs. However, this technique produces
an inferior pair of grips!
 Carbon Fiber Stock

The photographs on this page are representative of the grain, figurative, and coloration which is generally found in a particular species of wood. However, due to the natural variations which occur throughout a block of wood, each pair of grips will be unique.

Each sample grip is shown displayed on a "stock" 45 calibre handgun. However, we routinely design and handcraft grips for a wide variety of guns. Please contact us with your specific requirements and we will be happy to design a set of grips for your specific weapon.

How much do they cost? Our handcrafted gun grips start at around $45.00 and may reach $300.00, depending on the hardwood or composite material selected and the complexity of the grips. Contact us and we will be more than happy to give you a quote for your specific handgun. You may find it helpful to consult our Build Sheet when contacting us to request a quote.

Throughout this web site, we show our quality handcrafted handgun grips installed on blue and silver guns in order to provide you with an idea how the various woods and synthetic materials look when mounted on various types of guns.


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